Table of Contents

Hello and welcome to my very first blog entry!! I’m super excited to finally share my knowledge and bring life to this platform 🙂

I don’t know what brought you here, but you might feel like you could get more out of your life, especially regarding your happiness. And let me tell you that I truly believe with all my heart that happiness is a choice and everybody can achieve it. 

Sure, for some the path to happiness might be a bit rocky and for others, it even may seem impossible to get there, but I believe that even by trying you are already making the first steps to improve your life for the better. 

We cannot change the past and neither can we influence what happens in the outer world BUT what we can do is decide how we react to these things. We can either choose to let wounds from our past make us suffer or decide to move on. We can either be afraid of what the future might hold for us or we can stand up and create our own future

If you decide to choose the path of happiness, I`m here to help you on your journey. In the following blog posts, I’m sharing my knowledge of psychology as well as various amazing theories and techniques that I was able to learn from my mentors throughout the years.

Just a hint in advance: The blog is structured in a way that allows you to first learn the theoretical basis behind the different topic milestones on our journey, before showing you specific exercises as well as strategies that will bring the theory alive. But of course, every journey is different, so feel free to adapt the order to your needs and mix up the topics as you like 😉 

Have fun and enjoy! 



PS: In case  you have any questions, you are more than welcome to message me at any time by sending an e-mail to

Claudia Prkna - The Choosing Happiness


Gründer von Choosing Happiness

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